CWC Winter Conference Online Application Form
Registration Information
SPECIAL NOTES:*****(A) Non-college youth (even you are over 18 years old) MUST be accompanied by a parent.**********Please do not register by yourself**********(B) If you are Church/Group Leaders(Coordinators) or individual who help others to register online, once it is completed, please make sure to give the confirmation page and letter to that individual . There are some important meeting information inside.***** [For Group or Church Leaders]     [Church Suggested Lodging Form]     [English Program Info]
Registration Type: Individual Family (Note: Red fields are required depending on your registration type!)
Part A: Information for "Individual" or primary member of "Family": Go to Bottom
A1. Which church or BSG do you go to? Other:
A2. Chinese Name請用繁體字輸入*: *請用繁體字輸入, 否則因軟件的限制, 您所有的名字在名牌上都會成亂碼, 謝謝合作 Please use Traditional Chinese BIG-5 codes only (no TwinBridge), NO space between each word)! If you cannot type Chinese characters, please CALL or text to Sister Cindy's cell at 316-712-1370
If you need to convert Simplified To Traditional name, please use the free online tool to convert your name first: Simplified-to-Traditional Converter (in a new window). Then copy and paste into the box.
A3a. Official English Name: 您的姓[Family or Surname or Last]
A3b. CWC ID: (What is this?) (Last Name Initial + First Name Initial + 4 Digits number)
[你們一家之主/即戶長的CWC ID#; 即使戶長本人沒有來參加此冬令會. 若您過去曾參加過中心的任何聚會, 請您繼續使用, 若您不記的了,可以打電話、或Email 來問我們,請不要再編一個新的進去 Head of Household CWC ID # even the head of household is not attending this year. If you forgot your CWC PID", you may email CWC at or call at 660-438-7710. Please do not create a new one if you've already had CWC ID or attended the CWC meetings before]
A4. E-Mail Address:
A5. Sex: FemaleMale A6. Age: Below 50 50-65 Over 65
A7. 請真實的填寫每一項資料,您的奉獻收據將按您在這表格上填寫的資料寄出,請仔細填寫。謝謝!Please fill this application form carefully. Your offering receipt will be send to you according to the information you provide on this form. Please fill the form with true information.
Street Address: [Street Addr Apt#]

City: State: ZIP Code:
A8. Telephone #:- Cell #:-  [eg. 555-5555555]

Translation Request: (Enter 1 to request)
English      Cantonese

A10. Are you a Christian?: Yes No

If yes, will you like to serve in:
陪談 Counselor for (Chinese Name) who's from (city)
A11. Special Items: I am a
speaker CWC's Co-worker short-term-mission-team member
Full Time Children's Program Worker Full Time serving co-worker at the Winter Conference
A12. The Workshop I will attend is:(Workshop Info)
(Please select one, and attend continuously - this is the requirement from the speakers)

Group A/Y [Offered in both AM and PM continuously; please do not select Group B or C]
A1 (For Non-Believers Only) A2 A3 A4
Y1 (Only For English Speaking College Student(Youth/ABC) & Adult)
Group B [Offered in the morning only; please do not select Group A]
Group C [Offered in the afternoon only; please do not select Group A]
A13. Did you change address from the last time you attended any of the CWC's meetings?
你是否在參加完上一次任何一個中心聚會後更換過地址? Yes No
Part B: Spouse, children and/or other adults info (For "family" only) Return to Top Go to Bottom
"Individual Registration:" please skip Part B and go to Part C

My spouse is not coming with me ( Skip B1 to B8 and go to Item B9 if you checked this box)

B1. Spouse's Chinese Name*: (Please use Traditional Chinese BIG-5 codes only)
B2. Spouse English Name: [First]           [Family/Surname/Last]
B3. Spouse Sex: Female Male         B3b. Spouse Age: Below 50 50-65 Over 65
B4. Spouse E-Mail Address:
B5. Spouse Translation Request: (Enter 1 to request):
English     Cantonese
B6. Is your spouse a Christian? Yes No
B7. Spouse is willing to be a counselor for (Chinese Name) who's from (city)
B8. Work shop selection for spouse:

Note: To see detail workshop information, please click on Group name below
Group A [Offered in both AM and PM continuously; please do not select Group B or C]
A1(For Non-Believers Only) A2 A3 A4
Group B [Offered in the morning only; please do not select Group A]
Group C [Offered in the afternoon only; please do not select Group A]
Number of accompanying children: (If no accompanying children, go to next item )
Number of accompanying adults other than spouse (parents):
Part C: Meals and Lodging (for both "Individual" and "Family") Return to Top Go to Bottom
C1. I'd like to PAY for my own room. [click here for more informaton].
If you are a married couple under 65 not accompanied by your children and want to stay in one room, please check selfpay. 我們是夫妻,年齡在六十五歲以下,非羅傑斯市居民,也沒有子女同來,願意自費住宿旅館
Attending the conference full time, 12/21-12/25 I am a Rogers, Arkansas resident*
Attending the conference part time I am a Rogers, Arkansas resident*
*For Rogers, Arkansas residents, if you choose to stay in the hotel (lodge>0), please check the C1 box for "Self-Pay".

Please verify the meal/lodging numbers with the number of persons you are registering for. If you don't need the service, please put a 0 at the correspondent box. Otherwise enter the number of persons for each box. Do not leave it blank!

  Detailed information on the schedule can be found here 中心網址:
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